all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 6AA 1 1 51.525565 0.05785
E6 6AB 20 1 51.526398 0.059617
E6 6AD 24 5 51.52681 0.060717
E6 6AE 36 0 51.525715 0.062657
E6 6AF 40 0 51.525623 0.06225
E6 6AG 18 0 51.525871 0.063457
E6 6AH 22 0 51.524943 0.064626
E6 6AJ 27 0 51.524793 0.064966
E6 6AL 30 0 51.525888 0.063026
E6 6AN 33 0 51.526045 0.063321
E6 6AP 32 0 51.525819 0.064406
E6 6AQ 21 0 51.525583 0.063502
E6 6AR 55 1 51.526916 0.064932
E6 6AS 41 0 51.526793 0.066267
E6 6AT 40 0 51.526427 0.065097
E6 6AU 37 0 51.526223 0.065967
E6 6AW 38 0 51.526059 0.064547
E6 6AX 29 0 51.525031 0.066778
E6 6AY 57 0 51.525894 0.066789
E6 6AZ 56 0 51.526638 0.067428